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Google Earth 4

0 nơi bán, giá từ : 0₫
Loại phần mềm: Developer Tools (phát triển, lập trình) - Phát triển / Loại phiên bản: Standard / Hệ điều hành hỗ trợ: Windows 2000, Windows XP, / Miễn phí (Freeware) /
Google Earth 4
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Thông tin chung
Hãng phát hànhGoogle
Loại phần mềmDeveloper Tools (phát triển, lập trình) - Phát triển
Loại phiên bảnStandard
Cấu hình hệ thống
Hệ điều hành hỗ trợ
• Windows 2000
• Windows XP
Certified for Windows Vista
Miễn phí (Freeware)
Yêu cầu cấu hình & hệ thốngCPU: Pentium 3, 500Mhz

System Memory (RAM): 128MB

Hard Disk: 400MB free space

Network Speed: 128 Kbits/sec

Graphics Card: 3D-capable with 16MB of VRAM

Screen: 1024x768, "16-bit High Color"

Thông tin khác
Tính năngThe latest version of Google Earth makes it, indubitably, the only free mapping app worth considering. Accessible enough for casual users, Google has been added features that make it a necessity for those whose topographic desires are more serious.

Most of the interface's real estate displays a rendering of the globe, which slowly zooms in on a satellite image of your destination once you've keyed it in. The control panel has changed and is now translucent and sits unobtrusively in a corner of the map. The new diagonal movement control and flexible north anchor, so you can re-orient the map, are useful additions.

The Layers, Places and Search panes are now a left-side navigation bar, and have more options for determining what information appears on the map. Everything from roads and restaurants to crime statistics can be displayed; subcategories and individual items can be unchecked to show only what you need. Google's driving directions are incorporated, and the user community has produced several nifty mods, including historical maps. There's also integration with Google's 3-D rendering program SketchUp, so you can design a building and see it in a real-life setting.

The only downside to the program is that it can consume a large amount of RAM, so as the developer notes, older machines might experience performance issues. But everyone else is bound to love Google Earth, both as an entertaining novelty and an informational tool.

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